It took a long time, but this site is up and ready to go (yay!). Intro time: Hi I'm Joanna (I prefer to address myself as Jo) I used to run a Stables called Lunar Equestrian Centre but I decided to have a complete change and focus on a smaller amount of breeds instead  of the ten that I had before. So Silver Valley will be breeding only 4 breeds; Arabian, Anglo-Arab, Hanoverian Warmblood and Lipizzaner. As of now I have 14 horses (7 mares and 7 stallions) and am waiting for a new Anglo-Arab stallion to arrive any minute from Piper Bonita Equestrian. I will be taking Breed Requests as of now and there will be a mini foal crop in January.

The Horses

    Welcome to silver valley. . .

    Hi! My Name is Jo, I adore horses and own two of my own in real life. So as something to do in my spare time from school,I decided to create my own equestrian centre.(This is a sims 3 stables not a real equestrian centre xD)


    January 2013
    December 2012